What is the Share Market in India? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Share Market in India – In today’s globalized era, investment options abound. Among the most significant and influential markets in the world is the share market, a hub for buying and selling company stocks. If you’ve ever wondered about the share market in India, you’re in the right place. This article delves deep into its essence, highlighting its importance, components, and how it functions.

1. Defining the Share Market

In simple terms, the share market is a marketplace where shares or stocks of companies are bought and sold. These shares represent a portion of ownership in the company and are a means for companies to raise capital.

2. Two Key Components: Primary & Secondary Markets

  • Primary Market: This is where companies issue new shares to the public for the first time, known as an Initial Public Offering (IPO). It’s a way for companies to raise money for various purposes, from expanding business operations to paying off debt.
  • Secondary Market: Once the shares are listed through an IPO, they are traded among investors in the secondary market. This is the platform most people refer to when talking about the stock market.

3. Major Stock Exchanges in India

India boasts two major stock exchanges:

  • Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE): Established in 1875, the BSE is Asia’s oldest stock exchange. With over 5,000 companies listed, it’s a major player in the Indian share market landscape.
  • National Stock Exchange (NSE): Founded in 1992, the NSE is a more recent but equally influential stock exchange. It introduced electronic trading, making stock trading more transparent and accessible to the masses.

4. Why is the Share Market Important?

  • Capital Formation: It enables companies to raise money to finance their operations and achieve growth.
  • Investment Opportunity: For investors, the stock market offers a chance to partake in a company’s success through the appreciation of its stock price.
  • Economic Indicator: The health of the share market often reflects the overall health of the economy.

5. Regulatory Body: SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)

To ensure that the Indian share market operates in a transparent and fair manner, SEBI was established in 1992. It sets the regulatory framework and guidelines for market participants and aims to protect the interests of investors.

6. How to Start Investing?

Getting started in the Indian share market is easier than ever:

  1. Research: Understand the basics of stock market investing.
  2. Choose a Broker: Select a reputable stockbroker or brokerage platform.
  3. Open a Demat and Trading Account: This allows you to hold and trade shares.
  4. Start Small: As a beginner, focus on learning and understanding the market dynamics before making significant investments.


The share market in India is a dynamic entity, offering both risks and rewards. While it promises lucrative returns, it’s essential to approach it with caution and due diligence. Whether you’re an aspiring investor or simply curious about its workings, understanding the share market is fundamental to comprehending the broader economic landscape of India.

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